Glass Cow Animation – Assembly Studio Project for Anchor

Glass Cow Animation – Assembly Studio Project for Anchor

Assemble is an ambitious company with aesthetic thinkers who enjoy working on high end commercial projects. Their years of experience clearly shines through in these glass cow animation milk ads for Anchor. Keep an eye on the liquid rendering, it’s mind blowing, and the script for the commercial isn’t too bad either.

Glass Cow Animation - Assembly Studio Project for Anchor

Making of Glass Cow


Glass Cows Commercial 1


Glass Cows Commercial 2

Anchor Glass Cows – Launch from Assembly

Ruan Smit

Written by Ruan Smit

Ruan Smit started Pixelsmithstudios with the vision of creating a new design orientated environment of sharing, learning and expertise development amongst local Animators,Illustrators,Game Developers and VFX artists in South Africa.

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Ruan Smit
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Ruan Smit started Pixelsmithstudios with the vision of creating a new design orientated environment of sharing, learning and expertise development amongst local Animators,Illustrators,Game Developers and VFX artists in South Africa.