Monsterbox Animation and Making Of_Pixelsmithstudios

Monsterbox Animation and Making Of

Monsterbox Animation and Making Of

We stumbled onto another great animation done by animation graduate students. Monsterbox was created by four students Ludovic Gavillet, Derya Kocaurlu, Lucas Hudson and Colin John-Saunier from Bellecour Ecoles d’Art. We love the innocence,story and unique characthers of the animation as well as the technical aspects painstakingly worked on to produce this great 5 min work of art.

Monsterbox Animation and Making Of_Pixelsmithstudios

Take a few minutes out of your schedule and have a look at their great work. Have a look at Ludovic Gavillet’s blog,Derya Kocaurlu’s Blog, Lucas Hudson’s Blog and Colin John-Saunier’s Blog


Making of Monsterbox – Ludo Gavillet


Ruan Smit

Written by Ruan Smit

Ruan Smit started Pixelsmithstudios with the vision of creating a new design orientated environment of sharing, learning and expertise development amongst local Animators,Illustrators,Game Developers and VFX artists in South Africa.

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Ruan Smit
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Ruan Smit started Pixelsmithstudios with the vision of creating a new design orientated environment of sharing, learning and expertise development amongst local Animators,Illustrators,Game Developers and VFX artists in South Africa.