Moosebox 8-bit Animation chosen for development by Nickelodeon

Local Moosebox 8bit Animation chosen by Nickelodeon

Local Moosebox 8bit Animation chosen by Nickelodeon

What you haven’t heard of this? Then let me be the bearer of amazing news! “Moosebox” is a 8-bit style 2D animation created by Mike Scott and produced at Triggerfish Animation Studios for Nickelodeon. The short is quirky,has loads of gaming and retro references plus has a few tongue in the cheek moments which make it refreshing in every way for kids and geeks nerds adults.

I might go as far as saying that, in my honest opinion, it ‘s on par with current big animation series such as Adventure time and Gravity Falls concerning quality of script and animation style (and hells yeah I get picky about the animated shows I watch ^^ so its one hell of a comparison).

Without further ado, please enjoy this amazing piece of work which must have take ages to create, has been given praise by big players in the field and hopefully with become a full time series…

Moosebox as created by Mike Scott

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Ruan Smit

Written by Ruan Smit

Ruan Smit started Pixelsmithstudios with the vision of creating a new design orientated environment of sharing, learning and expertise development amongst local Animators,Illustrators,Game Developers and VFX artists in South Africa.

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Ruan Smit
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Ruan Smit started Pixelsmithstudios with the vision of creating a new design orientated environment of sharing, learning and expertise development amongst local Animators,Illustrators,Game Developers and VFX artists in South Africa.