good design vs bad

What Makes A Design Good? – Podcast Episode 01 with Gavin Knox.

What Makes A Design Good? – Podcast Episode 01 with Gavin Knox.

Even with the right tools, sometimes designs just don’t work. You can invest in the best graphic design monitor or even a top-quality graphic design mouse, and still end up with a design that doesn’t do what it needs to.

In this Podcast episode, we interview Gavin Knox, from Karbon Media. During the episode, we discuss the difference between a good design and a bad design.

Gavin shares his thoughts on running with creativity and aligning the creative with the business goals, emphasizing that sometimes, when design is intentionally bad, it is still a good design.

He further dives into the mindset that you need to look into when starting a creative endeavour of your own, and shares his experiences of how he learnt what he knows, but also shares some of his hard learnt lessons.

Watch the podcast interview and let us know what you think. For more artists interviews, head over to our blog.

Neal Strydom

Written by Neal Strydom

Co-Owner of Pixelsmithstudios. Specialising in creating content for digital platforms Working fulltime in marketing & Advertising Always meeting new talent

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Neal Strydom
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Co-Owner of Pixelsmithstudios.
Specialising in creating content for digital platforms
Working fulltime in marketing & Advertising
Always meeting new talent