Game Developers in South Africa

Welcome to our community platform for South African game developers and development studios. Here, independent developers and game development studios in South Africa can create free profiles to show off their work, network with other creatives, and find new projects to work on (if needed ). This platform was created to encourage game developers (indie or otherwise) to list themselves online and become a part of the community. Even if you have a position already it’s a great way to let people know you’re part of the game! PRESS PLAY!

South African Game Developers

If you’re a Game Developer then join this list, sign up for a FREE profile today to expand your reach and grow your network!

Job Board

When we receive a job opportunity from local or international clients we’ll post it here. Come back often!

Game Studios in South Africa

If you are a studio (2+ People) then you should get listed here OR click here to see all the registered Game Studios in SA!

Game Developer Schools in SA

If you’re a Game Developer then join this list, sign up for a FREE profile today to expand your reach and grow your network!

Make Games SA

If you want to have a chat with like minded individuals head over to MakeGameSA (forum) and our Discord

Creative Content

The Pixelsmith Studios Blog