Man using a VR headset

3D Game Assets for Unity | Asset Store Must-Haves

3D Game Assets for Unity | Asset Store Must-Haves

When it comes to creating your own 3D realm of gameplay on Unity, it can be an extremely labor and time-consuming process. That’s where game assets from Unity come in. You can grab a game asset theme that features pre-built environments and characters that will just drop straight into your Unity build

Assets for game design are your best friend when looking to build an immersive experience. 3D games are no different and require a whole different level of patience if you want to tackle them on your own. That is why this list of some of the best 3D game assets for Unity is here to help you find what you need with ease.

If you are wanting to add more to a low-poly build then these low-poly dungeon packs are a fantastic way to create a realistic dungeon quickly.

Best Asset Pack for Sci-Fi

The Sci-Fi City Pack is the best when it comes to building an environment for your new Science-Fiction world to immerse yourself and others into. It will create a realistic enough world to drop any playable character in your prototype.

Best Asset Pack for Low Poly Builds

Without a doubt, the 3D Low Poly Ultimate Pack is the best here as it comes with every single prefab that is required to build a game. It also has the added benefit of being extremely good value-for-money.

Boy wearing a VR headset

Best 3D Assets Reviewed

Now, here are the top game assets to help you with your game design and build the ultimate immersive experience.

3D Sci-Fi Kit Vol 3

Sci-Fi 3d assets

  • Style: 3D Space and Sci-Fi
  • Price: $$
  • Features: 386 Meshes, 680 prefabs and 150 textures

If you are looking to add another dimension to your 3D game then this Scifi Kit Vol 3 is the perfect 3D asset pack. You can build entire space-themed levels with all the interior and exterior prefabs that are included. These can also be used for topdown or FPS projects within Unity. It is also worth noting that this kit has not been optimized for tablets, only PC and Mac offer good results with the Oculus VR.

All of the prefabs contain the various sounds, particles, lights, and such that will be needed with the atlased textures being optimized and provided in 8K resolution. The folder structure is a little messy but nothing to be too concerned about.


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Sci-Fi Base Asset Pack

Sci-Fi Unity 3D city

  • Style: Sci-Fi 3D
  • Price: $$
  • Features: 600 Game-ready Prefabs and 1 game-ready demo scene

For a home base on Earth or in a futuristic world, this Sci-Fi City Pack will allow you to build incredible Sci-Fi environments. It comes with over 600 game-ready prefabs that are of such a high quality that they can build a AAA Sci-Fi scene easily. It also includes a game-ready demo scene to showcase how to best use the different prefabs and textures that come in this 3D assets pack.

Sci-Fi is a theme that will never go out of style and one of the more popular game design themes. This is a brilliant pack to include on your journey of creating your new gaming environment.


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Cyberpunk Cyber City Asset Pack

Cyberpunk style Cyber City 3D

  • Style: 3D Sci-Fi
  • Price: $
  • Features: 5 Wheeled cars, operating scripts, building textures and modular designs

Cyberpunk has definitely created a need or want for more games that follow a similar theme. That’s where this Cyberpunk Cyber City asset pack helps by bringing the aesthetic and feel of this popular futuristic cyber-world to your own build. This bundle is a fully modular pack that will enable you to create a highly detailed and realistic futuristic cyber world.

From cars to building textures and neon signs, there is everything that you need here to create an entire city to get lost in. A physics-based simple route system for robots is also included which takes a lot of the effort of coding out of the process.


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Customizable Survivors Pack

Survivor pack customizable 3D Assets

  • Style: 3D Survivor
  • Price: $$$
  • Features: Customizable 3D characters

To add a few humanoids to your dystopian world, the Customizable Survivors Pack offers just that with both male and female characters that can be customized in a number of ways. These characters come with a variety of clothing options as well as different hair, skin colors, and blendshapes.

These are fully rigged humanoids that also have morph targets to allow for facial expressions. There are 4K textures to increase the amount of detail and the modular design allows for easy transformation.

It is worth mentioning that not all clothing items are compatible with each other. This is also not a character customization system, this is merely a game asset design pack to create characters for your universe. 


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RPG Character Complete Bundle Asset Pack

RPG Unity bundle

  • Style: 3D RPG
  • Price: $$$
  • Features: Complete bundle with 11 packs

For a one-stop bundle that will include everything that you need for your characters in a fantasy game build, the RPG Character Complete Bundle is a solid option. This bundle contains 11 3D asset packs that contain different character options and the accessories to go with them. You could even recreate Lord of the Rings thanks to the inclusion of dragons, orcs, elves and humans.

For each character genre, there are also bundles of weapons and armor to go with them. This is an expensive bundle overall but updates are added and are available for free to those who have already purchased the bundle. There are also additional bonus files of game assets to make it worth the additional cost.


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Medieval Village Kit Bundle

3D Medieval village bundle Unity

  • Style: 3D
  • Price: $$
  • Features: 8100 Prefabs and 7589 meshes

To bring a fantasy world to life, this Medieval Village Kit Bundle gives you everything that you need to take your user to a different world or back in time. This 3D assets Unity packs both village interior and exterior kits with royal quarters as well. You can even create villager homes with these assets.

In terms of the best bang-for-your-buck, this package offers extremely good value with thousands of prefabs. There is a compatibility issue with this pack though as the texture quality does seem to clash with other assets. This is easily fixed by swapping out the individual models or meshes to fit your build needs.

If you are using a procedural generator to load in dynamic villages then this is a worthwhile investment.

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Heroic Fantasy Creatures Full Pack

Fantasy 3D Creatures Unity

  • Style: 3D
  • Price: $$$
  • Features: 30 Creature prefabs

Now, this is an expensive bundle when it comes to asset kits but this Heroic Fantasy Creatures pack is built by one of the best companies in prefab creation. This particular bundle includes the living dead pack, fantasy villains pack, mythological creatures pack, and more. The perfect combination to include into any of your post-human or apocalyptic fantasy worlds.

These prefabs are perfect for any 3D VR game design as there are also a host of animations included to implement in various ways that cycle through as soon as you drop them in. This is one of the pinnacles in terms of game design prefabs. If you want to buy game assets for your fantasy-themed build, this is a must as the ease of use and quality are top-tier.


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Low Poly Ultimate Pack

Low poly ultimate pack

  • Style: Low Poly 3D
  • Price: $$
  • Features: Over 2000 prefabs with colliders

For all the low poly builders out there, this 3D Low Poly Ultimate Pack has everything you need to create a city and game within that design. There are over 2000 prefabs that come with this pack and all are VR/AR ready. With over 32 world scenes, animals, buildings, nature, people, and terrains with probs, this is a one-stop-shop for it all.

This kit was built over four years and if purchased, you will receive free updates as they come out each month with new prefabs and textures. There are two different types of material included as well for either mobile or desktop applications. All of this for a relatively modest price, this is one of the best value-for-money bundles available on the asset store for anyone pursuing a low poly theme.


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Sci-Fi Characters Mega Pack Vol 2

Sci-Fi characters

  • Style: 3D
  • Price: $$$
  • Features: 21 Characters that are being expanded to 30

Every hero needs a villain and vice-versa, the Sci-Fi Characters Mega Pack includes 21 different bosses to your game that are capable of some epic battles. This pack might contain 21 character prefabs now but they are expanding the pack until it reaches 30. Although the price will be raised in increments as each new character is added.

From robots and droids to mechs and humanoid aliens, there is something for everyone’s Sci-Fi world to promote the best immersive experience. All models come with great animations and there is a lot of room for customization as well. Simply drop them in your build and adjust the animations and controllers as needed.


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Ultimate Animation Collection

3D animation movement Unity Store

  • Style: Animation
  • Price: $$$
  • Features: 15 Animset with more than 1600 animations

What good are all these amazing 3D characters if they don’t have any animations or movement to go with them? The Ultimate Animation Collection provides over 1600 different animations with 15 different animsets to give your playable characters or NPC some movement. These range from basic locomotion to climbing and even role-playing animations for zombies or hostages.

There will be new animations when they are developed but the price will also rise each time one of a new animset is added to the collection. As a drop-in solution to the complicated patterning of animations, this is a valuable asset pack from Unity to get for your venture into the 3D world of game design.


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Summary of the Best Video Game Assets

When it comes down to it, there are free 3D game assets available but they will not provide the same quality of prefabs in texture and performance that all the different asset packs above have. These are worth the investment when it comes to making a simple drop-in and playable character that comes with a range of animations ready to implement.

Taking on a Unity build can be a daunting task, which is why these kinds of prefab kits on the asset store exist, to help make your creations become a reality. There was a wide variety covered above, with even some more low poly city builds being available on Unity as well for those who love that style of design.

Matthew Davison

Written by Matthew

Matt is about 80% nerd, 10% writer, 10% animal lover. His love for PC’s started at the tender age of 4 and his love for animation and motion graphics fairly soon after. You can normally find him behind a computer screen or playing with his dog Rusty.

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Matthew Davison
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Matt is about 80% nerd, 10% writer, 10% animal lover. His love for PC’s started at the tender age of 4 and his love for animation and motion graphics fairly soon after. You can normally find him behind a computer screen or playing with his dog Rusty.