bill masuku captain america

Artist Interview: Bill Masuku

Artist Interview: Bill Masuku

Our team at Pixelsmith Studios has been lucky enough to meet, chat to, and interview some incredible artists in South Africa. From comic book artists to dark fantasy illustrators, our team can’t get enough!

During Comic Con 2019, we roamed the floor of the market area, looking for the nearest spot to catch a breath of fresh air, have a sip of cold water, or grab a bite to eat. But most importantly, just be at one of the most crowded events for nerds, geeks, artists, comic book lovers. And let’s not forget the cosplayers who rocked up in full costume, bringing the heroes and heroines we love to life.

During the event of Comic Con, we took the opportunity to interview some of the talent that exhibited and showcased their work, sharing with us a piece of their creative minds.

In this interview, we spoke to Bill Masuku, a comic book artist from Zimbabwe and one of our honorable mentions goes out to this artist as he really overcomes daily obstacles to produce his work that we have come to love and appreciate.

Watch the video and hear what Bill has to share about his journey as an artist and what he’s learned, take note, and be inspired! To see what he’s up to, you can follow him on Twitter. And if you’re interested in more artist interviews, head over to our blog.

Neal Strydom

Written by Neal Strydom

Co-Owner of Pixelsmithstudios. Specialising in creating content for digital platforms Working fulltime in marketing & Advertising Always meeting new talent

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Neal Strydom
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Co-Owner of Pixelsmithstudios.
Specialising in creating content for digital platforms
Working fulltime in marketing & Advertising
Always meeting new talent