Artist Interview: Christian Haynes

Artist Interview: Christian Haynes

Welcome to our interview with Christian Haynes, the lead on the exciting project for, Zack In Time, where a young boy faces the challenges of a new town and a school where he doesn’t quite fit in. However, everything changes when he stumbles upon a time-traveling watch and finds himself recruited by a top-secret government agency. Thus begins his thrilling adventure!

Christian Haynes, the talented individual behind this project, generously shares his experiences with us. Discover how he manages to balance working on “Zack In Time” in his spare time while collaborating with other artists and juggling full-time commitments. Gain insights into his creative process and the challenges he faces in bringing this animated show to life.

During our interview, Christian also imparts his goals, views, and opinions on the art of animation and the development of an animated series. Hear firsthand about his aspirations for “Zack In Time” and the impact he hopes to make with this captivating tale.

Join us as we explore the mind of a visionary artist and delve into the exciting world of “Zack In Time.” Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain unique insights and get a sneak peek into the fascinating journey of bringing animation to fruition.

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Neal Strydom

Written by Neal Strydom

Co-Owner of Pixelsmithstudios. Specialising in creating content for digital platforms Working fulltime in marketing & Advertising Always meeting new talent

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Neal Strydom
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Co-Owner of Pixelsmithstudios.
Specialising in creating content for digital platforms
Working fulltime in marketing & Advertising
Always meeting new talent